Trygve B. Broch is an associate professor at the Department of Public Health at the Inland Norway University. During 2017-2018, he is a Fulbright grantee working to develop cultural sociology perspectives in the sociology of sport. Combining anthropological and sociological theory Broch aims to expose sport as not only reinforcing obedience and subordination, but as a meaning-making practice that allows actors to play with and question subordination. Using ethnography and media texts Broch explores how understandings of cultural dynamics and diversity – in studies of gender, youth, socialization, politics and national identity – can be improved through meaning-centered analyses of sport. (CCS Visiting Fellow, September 2017-August 2018)
Pål Halvorsen is a Ph.D. Candidate at Nord University, Norway. His dissertation is about aesthetic judgments in the public sphere and literary critics as public intellectuals. Pål received a Master’s degree in Sociology from the University of Oslo, Norway, in 2014 on the same topic. He has also been working on a project about adolescent elites in Norwegian high schools. In addition to his PhD he is editorial assistant for the Norwegian Journal of Sociology. He also works as a translator of social sciences literature from English to Norwegian. His research interests include social theory, literature, valuation and evaluation, in-depth interviewing and qualitative methods generally. (CCS Visiting Graduate Student, September 2017 - August 2018)
Bingxin Zhao is a Ph.D. Candidate at Harbin Engineering University in China. Her doctoral dissertation is “Weber and Chinese culture”. In the paper, she will try to derive Weber’s penetrating judgments and methodologies, meanwhile to make some response to his misreading of Chinese culture. She is also a member of the National Social Sciences Fund Projects “Max Weber and Chinese culture” in the charge of her supervisor Prof. Guoxun Su, and does the part of political sociology. Her research interests are comparative study of Chinese and Western culture, social theory and political sociology. (CCS Visiting Graduate Student, October 2017-October 2018)
Fabian Winiger, Hong Kong Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences (The University of Hong Kong)
Fabian Winiger completed a M.Sc. in Medical Anthropology at Oxford University and is a doctoral candidate at the University of Hong Kong. His research, funded by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council and a Sin Wai-Kin Fellowship at the Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, follows the transnational circulation of East Asian techniques of body-cultivation, in particular “qigong”-practice and its attendant neo-socialist, cultural-nationalist and alternative medical discourses. Mr. Winiger is currently a Visiting Graduate Student at the Yale Center for Cultural Sociology, where he is working on Chinese cultural trauma in the post-Mao period.(CCS Visiting Graduate Student, Spring 2018)
Juan Li, Zhejiang University of Media and Communications, China
Juan Li is an associate professor in College of Communication & Journalism, Zhejiang University of Media and Communications. Her research focuses on media narrative, cultural power and the construction of the social community.
(CCS Visiting Fellow, February 1 2017 - January 31, 2018)
Tomasz Bilczewski is Associate Professor and Director of the Centre for Advanced Studies in the Humanities at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. His academic interests include comparative literature, literary theory and history, trauma studies, and medical humanities. He has authored 3 books, 40 papers and over 30 translations into Polish. His most recent book Comparison and Translation. Comparative Literature between the Anatomist’s Plate and the Digital Laboratory was published in 2016 (Jagiellonian University Press, in Polish). Current book projects supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Science Centre, and the European Commission: 1) A World History of Polish Literature; 2) Traumatic Modernities. From Comparative Literature to Medical Humanities; 3) The Age of Theory in Polish Literary Studies: 1914-2014; 4) Comparative Literature and National Literature: Representations, Interpretations, Translations. (CCS Visiting Fellow, July - November, 2017)
Jean-Pascal Daloz is currently CNRS Research Professor at the new SAGE Centre in Strasbourg and chairs the Research Committee on comparative sociology of the International Sociological Association. After having worked in sub-Saharan Africa (as Head of research centres), he held positions at the Bordeaux Institute of Political studies and then at the Universities of Oslo and Oxford.
He is a comparativist specializing in the study of elites. His research now mainly focuses on the comparative analysis of social distinction and on the symbolic dimensions of political representation.
He has published 15 books so far, including Africa Works: Disorder as public instrument (Oxford, 1999), a standard book on African politics; Culture Troubles: Politics and the interpretation of meaning (Chicago, 2006), co-authored; The Sociology of Elite Distinction: From theoretical to comparative perspectives (New York, 2010) ; Rethinking Social Distinction (New York, 2013) ; La représentation politique (Paris, 2017). He is also co-editing The Palgrave Handbook of Political Elites (forthcoming). (CCS Visiting Fellow, September 2017-February 2018)
Jean-Pascal’s Amazon.com page
Jiaxuan Yu, Fudan University, China
Jiaxuan Yu is master student at Department of Sociology, Fudan University, China. She also received her bachelor’s degree in Sociology there. Using cultural sociological perspectives, her research mainly focused on the formations and characteristics of subculture groups, and choosing Square Dancing groups in China as a case. She has worked in this field for over three years, and published two research papers under this topic (in Chinese):1)Taste Classification of Urban Square Dancing Participants ——A Case Study on Square Dancing Participants in Central Shanghai(Forthcoming); 2)A Case Study of Large Square Dancing Group in Shanghai. Her master’s thesis will also be related to this topic. Her research interest also include ritual studies, symbolic interaction and qualitative research methods. (CCS Visiting Graduate Student, September-December 2017)
Alrun Berger, Institute for Social Movements, Bochum
Alrun Berger is visiting the CCS as part of her secondment within the European Union’s Marie Curie International Research Exchange Scheme Project “SPECTRESS” (Social Performance, Cultural Trauma and the Reestablishing of Solid Sovereignities). Alrun is a Research Associate at the Institute for Social Movements at the Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany. In her doctoral thesis, she investigates the different perceptions of the past within the West German and British peace movements of the 1960s and the extent to which they were shaped by various Marxist modes of thinking. Furthermore, she has been actively involved in several collaborative projects looking at realms of memory in the German Ruhr Area, at the Industrial Heritage in the Ruhr Area and in British South Wales, and at the role of memory within social movements on an international level. Publications authored by her on historical cultures among the West German peace movement of the 1960s and on kiosks as places of memory in the Ruhr Area are forthcoming (2018) in edited volumes with Palgrave Macmillan and with Klartext Publishing House. She is also editorial assistant of the latter volumes. Her main research interests are social movements, memory studies, and labor history. (CCS Visiting Graduate Student, October-December 2017)
Florian Stoll, Bayreuth University, Germany
(CCS Postdoctoral Fellow, October 2016 – September 2017)