Meaning and Performing:
Expressive, Civil, and Material
Friday, April 26 & Saturday, April 27
All sessions held at 210 Prospect Street, Room 203, New Haven, CT
This year’s CCS Spring Conference will be on Friday, April 26 and Saturday, April 27. We are excited to welcome plenary speakers CCS Director Philip Smith and Faculty Fellow Isaac Reed. CCS Faculty Fellow Eric Malczewski, Visiting Fellow Mervyn Horgan, and Professor Saara Liinamaa are on the program, along with our own CCS Junior Fellows, students from The State University of New York at Albany, The University of Virginia and Guelph University, Canada, and visitors to the Department of Sociology.
Contact Information
For information about the conference please contact the CCS Administrator Nadine Amalfi by e-mail (cultural dot sociology at yale dot edu) or phone, (203) 432-9855.
The banquet for conference participants will be at Skappo Restaurant on Saturday, April 28