Publications and Research

A primary goal of the Center for Cultural Sociology is to promote and encourage individual and collaborative publication opportunities. Our weekly workshop is a forum in which we discuss and explore works in progress written by our in house fellows and invited guests. A smaller, more intimate forum is provided for our students and Post-doctoral fellows in the Advanced Seminar in Cultural Sociology, aka the Supper Culture Club.

Recent Publications:

CCS Junior Fellows

CCS Graduates ~ Selected Recent Publications

American Journal of Cultural Sociology

Book Series:

Cultural Sociology Series, Palgrave-MacMillan

Culture and Economic Life Series, Stanford University Press

Yale Cultural Sociology Series, Paradigm Publishers

Cambridge Cultural Social Studies, Cambridge University Press

Oxford Handbook of Cultural Sociology

Collaborative Projects:


Jeffrey Alexander’s Civil Sphere theory (CST) Globalization Projects


Consumers and Consumption @Yale

Trauma of Decolonization Project

Social Performance, Cultural Trauma and the Reestablishing of Solid Sovereignties Project (SPeCTReSS)

Cultural Trauma Project