Working Papers in Cultural Sociology project is no longer active.
Working Papers | Review Committee |
Cultural sociology has seen a remarkable efflorescence in the last decade. Scholars in the field have reinvigorated meaning-centered analysis in the discipline, studying topics as diverse as economic behavior, political processes, social movements, media, art, and architecture. Their studies have similarly ranged from focusing on macro level historical processes to investigating local level interaction patterns, with an eye towards the variable ways in which culture shapes them. Their joint premise is that, because culture is entwined in all aspects of social life, it cannot be dismissed as the side-product of underlying economic or political forces and must be understood on its own terms. With the growing diversity of this field, it becomes increasingly important for cultural sociologists to exchange ideas and to share their work at various stages of development.
The new Cultural Sociology Working Papers Series will provide us with the means to facilitate such exchange. It will serve as a platform for organizing research projects, mapping the field, disseminating ideas, and building dialogue between current and future colleagues. Scholars at all career stages are invited to submit working papers to be posted on the website. Authors will be asked, in turn, to provide feedback on two working papers so as to contribute to what we hope would be a lively exchange.
Submitted papers should be between 15 and 70 double-spaced pages long and must not have been published elsewhere (although they may have been accepted for publication at a future date). On the substantive side, papers must engage with cultural sociological literature, broadly defined, and may be either theoretical or empirical. Papers will be read by our review committee before posting on the website to ensure their appropriateness for the series.
We look forward to your comments, questions, and—most importantly—your papers at
Submission Guidelines
Email a PDF file of your paper to the Review Committee Include the following in the body of the email:
- Abstract (not to exceed 150 words) – 6 Keywords
Please DO NOT submit papers that have been accepted for publication; you have signed a copyright agreement with the publisher, thus giving up your rights to the paper. Your paper will be posted and available for download in this working paper series in 3 to 5 days. The paper will be available to the public. Readers will make comments directly to the authors.