
February 14, 2023
CCS Faculty Fellow Bernadette Nadya Jaworsky shares four recent publications. Congratulations, Nadya! Jaworsky, Bernadette Nadya, Alica Rétiová, and Werner Binder. “What do...
Croatian Political Science Review cover
February 2, 2023
CCS Faculty Fellow Nebojša Blanuša recently edited a special issue of the Croatian Political Science Review dedicated to cultural trauma and the politics of memory. Included...
Irish Republican Counterpublic cover
February 2, 2023
CCS Faculty Fellow Anne Kane shares her newest book, Irish Republican Counterpublic: Armed Struggle and the Construction of a Radical Nationalist Community in Northern...
January 30, 2023
CCS Faculty Fellows Todd Madigan and Brad West have recently published the article, “Western tourism at Cu Chi and the memory of war in Vietnam: Dialogical effects of the...
American Journal of Cultural Sociology
December 22, 2022
Available online now: the newest issue of the American Journal of Cultural Sociology, The Cultural Sociology of Sport. Guest edited by CCS Faculty Fellow Trygve B. Broch. 
Cultural Sociology Journal Cover
December 22, 2022
Read CCS Faculty Fellow Werner Binder’s newest article, Technology as (Dis-)Enchantment. AlphaGo and the Meaning-Making of Artificial Intelligence, out now in the journal...
December 22, 2022
Available online now: From Author to Network: The Coming of Age of Civil Sphere Theory, by CCS Faculty Fellows Giuseppe Sciortino and Peter Kivisto, in the in the forthcoming...