
August 22, 2017
Visiting scholar Florian Stoll has organized a workshop on on August 22nd  and 23rd with guests from Africa, Europe and America to discuss his planned publication on...
August 21, 2017
See Jeff Alexander’s piece on Steve Bannon, Raging Against the Enlightenment: The Ideology of Steven Bannon in the lastest ASA Culture Section Newsletter.
August 21, 2017
CCS Faculty Fellow, Jingsi Christina Wu, has published her book, Entertainment and Politics in Contemporary China has just been published by Palgrave Macmillan. The book...
July 19, 2017
Philip Smith giving the keynote address at the Second Narrative Criminology Symposium on June 15, 2017. His lecture considered the interplay of fictional narratives and ‘...
Nebojša Blanuša
July 18, 2017
The latest issue of the Croatian Political Science Review, “Faces of Cultural Trauma” is mostly a result of the Summer Institute on Cultural Trauma, held at the premises of...
Shai Dromi
June 30, 2017
Faculty Fellow Shai M. Dromi received an honorable mention from the ASA Comparative-Historical Section’s 2017 Theda Skocpol Best Dissertation Award committee. Shai’s...
June 21, 2017
CCS Director Philip Smith recently gave a keynote address “Narrative Criminology and the Strong Program: A Friendly Critique and Provocation” at the Second Narrative...