
Anne Marie Champagne
July 5, 2016
CCS Junior Fellow Anne Marie Champagne recently published a blog post, “Thinking About Gender Surface/Depth, Iconicity, and What Breasts Have Got to Do With It,” in the ASA...
June 30, 2016
Check out CCS Director Ron Eyerman’s review of Arlene Stein’s (Rutgers University) Reluctant Witnesses: Survivors, Their Children, and the Rise of Holocaust...
June 30, 2016
CCS Junior Fellow Anne Marie Champagne has been elected Student Representative of the American Sociological Association’s Section on Theory Council. Anne Marie is currently a...
Fred Wherry
June 9, 2016
CCS Director Fred Wherry has been elected Chair of the Economic Sociology Council of the American Sociological Association’s Economic Sociology Section. Fred previously...
Mira Debs
June 1, 2016
CCS Junior Fellow Mira Debs will begin a post-doctoral fellowship at Yale University in Spring 2017 in the Education Studies Program and Political Science Department.  As the...
May 31, 2016
Working Paper #9 - Dimensions of Contention: Integrating the Dynamics of Influence Jeffrey Broadbent, University of Minnesota
April 25, 2016
CCS Junior Fellow Shai Dromi has a new publication, “For good and country: nationalism and the diffusion of humanitarianism in the late nineteenth century,” in the special...